
Friday, November 25th at 9:30pm

86 mins | 2022 | Canada
Dir: Nyla Innuksuk
Language: English


When Maika and her ragtag friends discover an alien invasion in their tiny arctic hamlet, it’s up to them to save the day. Utilizing their makeshift weapons and horror movie knowledge, the aliens realize you don’t mess with girls from Pang. This directorial debut was filmed in Pangnirtung, Nunavut.

Screening With:

Closed System: A Science Fiction Short Film

Student Short Showcase

A genetically modified invasive species, bred to eat plastic and spin it into rope, makes a bid for freedom in the last wilderness on earth. A dutiful scientist is sent by a ruthless algorithm to hunt it down and destroy it. As she experiences the forest for the first time in her life, the scientist begins to question everything she has been taught about pollution, conservation, and the mythos of the untouched wilderness.

13 mins 37s
Canada, 2021
Produced / Written / Directed / Score
Bawaadan Collective / Marjan Verstappen / Stephen Neufeld
Language: English

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