
Sunday, November 19th at 5:30pm

76 mins | 2017 | Turkey
Dir: Ceyda Torun
Language: Turkish


Hundreds of thousands of cats have roamed the metropolis of Istanbul freely for thousands of years, wandering in and out of people’s lives, impacting them in ways only an animal who lives between the worlds of the wild and the tamed can. Cats and their kittens bring joy and purpose to those they choose, giving people an opportunity to reflect on life and their place in it. In Istanbul, cats are the mirrors to ourselves.

Screening With:

Line in the Sand

Canadian Shorts Showcase

Reflecting on divisions, double 8mm as 16mm is my tool of choice. Picture and sound from my neighbourhood: a cinema du terroir.

5 mins
Canada, 2017
Dir. Sandy McClennan
Language: English
